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KSTXI Reality Glitch Hack Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Hyper-Surrealist Galdruxian Tudismocroned Bulldada Network ::: art, anti-art, post-art, `pataphysics, absurdism, discordianism, concordianism, meta-discordianism, realism, surrealism, hyper-surrealism, neoism, anti-neoism, post-neoism, anythingism, etc..

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“Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find THE OTHERS”
– Dr Timothy Leary


::: KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Memes Illuminati Cabal ::: Illuminati1


“Welcome to the most ancient conspiracy on the planet. We’ve gone for so long now that we don’t remember what we were doing, but we don’t want to stop because we have nothing better to do.” - Fire Elemental




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"Stick apart is more fun when we do it together." - St. Mae


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Xenopoiesis, the process of alien creation, is central to both systems biology and glitch ontology….


Xenopoiesis, the process of alien creation, is central to both systems biology and glitch ontology. In synthetic biology, for instance, the creation of xenobiotic organisms with non-natural genetic bases exemplifies xenopoiesis as a technological and biological practice. Similarly, quantum computing’s probabilistic algorithms simulate alien possibilities within biological systems, enabling new forms of understanding and intervention. Legacy Russell’s emphasis on the glitch as a site of resistance and possibility complements Karen Barad’s focus on relationality and performativity. Together, they provide a framework for understanding xenopoiesis as an ethical and creative process. The alien is not an external invader but an emergent property of intra-actions and glitches within complex systems.

source https://kstxiksc.tumblr.com/post/770846819832004608

source https://timoteopinto.wordpress.com/2024/12/25/xenopoiesis-the-process-of-alien-creation-is-central-to-both-systems-biology-and-glitch-ontology/




In systems biology, emergence refers to properties of a system that arise from interactions between…


In systems biology, emergence refers to properties of a system that arise from interactions between its parts, properties that cannot be predicted from the components alone. Denis Noble has illustrated this concept by showing how the heart’s rhythmic patterns emerge from the interplay of cellular and molecular networks, not from any single component. The xenopoem, as an alien linguistic construct, necessitates the emergence of a new kind of reader. This reader is not pre-existing but is “created” by the poem, evolving in response to its demands. Noble often critiques the gene-centric view of evolution, emphasizing instead the role of the environment, networks, and feedback in driving evolutionary change. A xenopoem, by introducing “alien” linguistic structures, functions as an evolutionary experiment in meaning-making. It pushes the boundaries of interpretive systems, creating an adaptive space for new cognitive and linguistic connections. In Noble’s terms, the xenopoem is not a fixed “blueprint” but a dynamic interaction with its environment—the reader. This co-evolution mirrors the reciprocal adaptation seen in biological systems, where organisms and their environments shape each other over time.

source https://kstxiksc.tumblr.com/post/770124911865937920

source https://timoteopinto.wordpress.com/2024/12/17/in-systems-biology-emergence-refers-to-properties-of-a-system-that-arise-from-interactions-between/




As Nick Land explains in the Catacomic (1995:1), a hyperstition has four characteristics:

They function as (1) an “element of effective culture that makes itself real,”

(2) as a “fictional quality functional as a time-travelling device,”

(3) as “coincidence intensifiers,” and

(4) as a “call to the Old Ones”.


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source https://kstxiksc.tumblr.com/post/769061087597461504

source https://timoteopinto.wordpress.com/2024/12/05/the-old-ones-cannot-die/





As Nick Land explains in the Catacomic (1995:1), a hyperstition has four characteristics: They function as (1) an “element of effective culture that makes itself real,” (2) as a “fictional quality functional as a time-travelling device,” (3) as “coincidence intensifiers,” and (4) as a “call to the Old Ones”.


View On WordPress

source https://kstxiksc.tumblr.com/post/768970338653683712

source https://timoteopinto.wordpress.com/2024/12/04/catacomicomicon/

hello, it\’s dave from storage in the building your office is in. you have £25 unclaimed on your storage unit; please contact me to arrange a refund

hello, it\'s dave from storage in the building your office is in. you have £25 unclaimed on your storage unit; please contact me to arrange a refund submitted by /u/marianoequizzi
[link] [comments]

source https://www.reddit.com/r/00AG9603/comments/1h6h47b/hello_it039s_dave_from_storage_in_the_building/

source https://timoteopinto.wordpress.com/2024/12/04/hello-its-dave-from-storage-in-the-building-your-office-is-in-you-have-25-unclaimed-on-your-storage-unit-please-contact-me-to-arrange-a-refund/


source https://kstxiksc.tumblr.com/post/768674247234191360

source https://timoteopinto.wordpress.com/2024/12/01/49524/

The revolution will be glitched!


The revolution will be glitched!

¡Acércate A Nosotros Si Te Atreves!

make it so!


do what keepeth thou from wilting shall be the law of the hole

Video sigil (J)Art generated by AAI (Anartist Artificial Intelligence) assisted by LolemancerGaldrux, the spider eye of the anti-cosmos bringing joy to the cosmos, creator of the field of justified chaos at the known edge of the web universe. #theGame23 #hivemind23

#thegame23 is a REAL and artistic concept that exists primarily in online communities and subcultures. It’s often associated with the idea of memetic warfare, which refers to the use of memes (ideas, symbols, or images) as weapons in a non-traditional form of psychological warfare.

source https://kstxiksc.tumblr.com/post/768674192332881920

source https://timoteopinto.wordpress.com/2024/12/01/the-revolution-will-be-glitched/