Hyper-Surrealist Fnord Agency

KSTXI Dataplex

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KSTXI Reality Glitch Hack Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Hyper-Surrealist Galdruxian Tudismocroned Bulldada Network ::: art, anti-art, post-art, `pataphysics, absurdism, discordianism, concordianism, meta-discordianism, realism, surrealism, hyper-surrealism, neoism, anti-neoism, post-neoism, anythingism, etc..

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“Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find THE OTHERS”
– Dr Timothy Leary


::: KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Memes Illuminati Cabal ::: Illuminati1


“Welcome to the most ancient conspiracy on the planet. We’ve gone for so long now that we don’t remember what we were doing, but we don’t want to stop because we have nothing better to do.” - Fire Elemental




KSXTI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Memes Illuminati Cabal Contact Information

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"Stick apart is more fun when we do it together." - St. Mae


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/-/ Phreak Dictionary /-/

Here you will find some of the basic but necessary terms that should be known by

any phreak who wants to be respected at all.


1. The action of using mischevious and mostly illegal ways in order to not pay

for some sort of tele-communications bill, order, transfer, or other service.

It often involves usage of highly illegal boxes and machines in order to defeat

the security that is set up to avoid this sort of happening. [fr'eaking]. v.

2. A person who uses the above methods of destruction and chaos in order to make

a better life for all. A true phreaker will not not go against his fellows ornarc

on people who have ragged on him or do anything termed to be dishonorable to

phreaks. [fr'eek]. n.

3. A certain code or dialup useful in the action of being a phreak. (Example: "I

hacked a new metro phreak last night.")

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